Family Pride Stories


Everyone has a right to be happy, healthy, respected and supported as a part of their family, whether that’s their family of origin or chosen family.

We know that many LGBTQ+ people have experienced feeling out of place, or even unsafe with our family. As we grow up, family can be one of the places where we can be exposed to rigid gender norms, homophobia and transphobia, and that can have lifelong negative impacts.

At the same time, there are so many wonderful and unique family relationships, and opportunities to create our own as well. We want to provide space for our communities to start talking about their family relationships; what is special about them, and how they can be improved. We can all be part of challenging shame and stigma around our relationships, and spreading the message that people of all genders and sexualities do have healthy, happy and secure relationships.

For our Family Pride Stories campaign, we interviewed 7 inspiring families from across the nation, who spoke about their shared understanding, love and pride.

Watch their stories below.

For more information on healthy relationships visit the Healthy Relationships page, or to get help for unhealthy relationships, visit the Abuse page

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

Growing up together

Corey (he/him), also known as Chocolate Boxx, is a Brisbane-based drag superstar and he’s joined by his biggest fan: his mum Faith (she/her). With her unwavering support and Corey’s fearless pride in his identity, they continue to celebrate and navigate life together.

Safe and accepted

Liam (he/him), a proud trans man, has always had a strong sense of who he is. His parents, Bec (she/her) and Grant (he/him), take pride in that fact. Despite the challenges of being a young LGBTQ+ person, growing up in a small town, he’s been blessed with all the care and support that he needs.

Love without bounds

The incredible bond between Allyse (she/her) and Sue (she/her) is boundless, continuing to grow with mutual love, support and understanding. They’ve lifted each other up, even through the darkest of times; knowing they’ve always got each other, not just as mother and daughter, but as best friends.

Home away from home

Both proud LGBTQ+ people of colour, Sasja (she/her) and Budi (they/them) have built a friendship on shared culture, understanding and lived experience. No matter what life brings, they are there to support one another. No questions asked.

Pride through generations

As a loud and proud bisexual woman, Rose (she/her) has always been the biggest supporter of her daughter. As Maeby (she/her) goes through her journey as a trans and queer person, her mum is there to encourage her every step of the way.

Finding your tribe

The stars aligned for Mai (she/her), Dyan (he/him) and Stargayze (they/them), who found each other and created a family. Through a shared cultural background, LGBTQ+ pride and a love for art, they constantly empower each other and celebrate one another’s identities.

Brother from another mother

As chosen family, Az (he/him) and Bryson(he/him) fondly regard each other as “Bros.” Both trans men, who live with disabilities, they help each other through life’s challenges through a uniquely deep level of understanding.

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