Queer Breathwork Sydney (NSW)

Queer Breathwork is a unique LGBTIQA+ gathering. Its purpose is to create a safe and supported space for the LGBTIQA+ community and their allies to gather, process unconscious energies held in the body, access higher states of consciousness and inner wisdom, and celebrate Queer energy.

This session will be the final Queer Breathwork gathering for 2023!

When: Saturday, 9 December 2023
Time: 5.45pm to 8.45pm
Where: Union Street Yoga, Erskineville, Sydney, Eora Nation
Cost: The exchange is $90 for individuals, and $80 for those who book in advance. A limited number of sponsored tickets are available.
No experience is necessary, all are welcome. To ensure sufficient support is available to participants, there are limited spaces available.

What is transpersonal breathwork?

This breathing technique helps calm the thinking mind and enables access to the wisdom of the subconscious and the body. In this altered state of consciousness, you can gain new insights, find clarity about life, release pent-up tensions, explore old, outdated stories, and address physical or emotional issues. Breathwork aligns your heart, body, and mind, opening pathways to peak consciousness experiences. Transition Breath's Queer Breathwork offerings are trauma-informed and incorporate holistic psychotherapy principles into every session.

What is breathwork useful for?

Transition Breath’s approach is an exploration of the breath, whilst noticing what arises in the body. Participants are supported to let go of tension and soften into the unfolding energy within the body, all within a supportive group setting. This work can involve addressing self-limiting beliefs, stuck emotions and unresolved issues, enabling you to connect with your life force and vitality. It facilitates the release of stress, anxiety, depression, and stagnant energy. By understanding and transforming self-limiting behaviours and thought patterns, participants can become more empowered, aware and self-compassionate. Breathwork aids in healing cultural, ancestral and family traumas, ultimately leading to an overall improvement in well-being and acceleration of your personal growth journey.

Health and wellbeing considerations (contraindicators):

Breathwork uses a rhythmic/dynamic breathing pattern for an extended period of time, giving you access to an altered-state of consciousness. Whilst this breathing practice is safe, there are certain mental and physical conditions that may prevent you from participating in this workshop. These may include people with cardiovascular problems, pregnancy, some psychiatric conditions, psychosis, recent surgery or fractures, acute infectious illness or epilepsy, severe hypertension, glaucoma, or active spiritual emergency.

+++please contact Joshua if you have any questions or concerns regarding this information+++

About Joshua:

I’m a Canberra-based advanced breathwork practitioner and holistic psychotherapist, specialising in both individual and group breathwork sessions. After three years of breathwork study, I commenced my private practice in 2018 (Transition Breath). Since that time, I have traveled the world seeking to develop and enhance my understanding of various breathwork and pranayama techniques, attending and presenting at global breathwork conferences in the United States, Germany and New Zealand. I've trained with some of the world's most highly regarded breathwork practitioners, including Sondra Ray, Dan Brule, Jim Morningstar and Judith Kravitz. I am influenced by rebirthing breathwork, Holotropic breathwork, Vipassana meditation, bioenergetics, nature-based shamanic processes (Vision Quests) and plant-medicines. I'm also a rapport-based relating (holistic) psychotherapist, having trained with renowned therapist and rewilding mentor, Lee Trew.

I am a proud member of our LGBTIQA+ community and have roots in rural Australia. I feel intimately connected to the wisdom and healing potential of our Earth. I have a pug called Norman.

Further information available at: www.transitionbreath.com

Date: 09 December, 5:45 pm – 8:45 am
Venue: Union Street Yoga and Wellbeing 175A Union St, Erskineville NSW 2043, Australia
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